“Clearly the images we are looking at by are reminding us that our future world is difficult to separate from our past and that we might want to evaluate what we mean by progress. The images are of well known places that evoke thoughts of consumer culture, tourism and associations with entertainment, excess and market led economies, Las Vegas, New York etc are all places that lead us to reevaluate the American dream and its place in our future. These well deserved winning images provide a thoughtful approach to the competition brief and are made with a high level of integrity and imply a quiet, yet highly persuasive reflection on where we have come from and what we might consider as our future urban legacy.”
Chris Wrainwright
Professor Chris Wainwright is the Head of Camberwell, Chelsea and Wimbledon Colleges, at the University of the Arts London. He is also President of ELIA (The European League of Institutes of the Arts) and former Chair of the National Association for Fine Art Education in the UK. Chris Wainwright is a member of the Arts and Humanities Research Council, Peer Review College. He has also been appointed a member of the Tate Britain Council until 2011.
First Prize Winner – 2009 – Imagine a New World, Jury: Elina Brotherus, Claude Bussac, Francois Hebel, Chris Wainwright.
Exhibited in 2010 at PhotoEspana 09, Madrid, Spain.
Exhibited in 2010 at 21st Photobiennale, Thessaloniki Museum of Photography, Greece.
Exhibited in 2010 at Hungarian House of Photography, Budapest, Hungary.
Exhibited in 2010 at European Commission Representation, London, UK.
Exhibited in 2009 at Contretype Contemporary Photographic Art Centre, Brussels, Belgium.